"I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me". Mt 25, 31-46
Our work

Mental health is a complex phenomenon determined by multiple social, environmental, biological and psychological, and includes conditions such as depression, anxiety, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, and developmental disorders in childhood, some of the which have worsened in recent times.
The Homeless Mental Health Foundation (Sampi), we house people in extreme poverty with mental health problems whose total abandonment situation require attention to their medical, psychiatric, food, clothing and housing, with the achieve the restoration of their dignity and worth.

"The attention to mental health is of vital importance to achieve the wellbeing of individuals, societies and countries and should be seen from a prospective way from social and public health. Unfortunately mental health has been ignored and separated from the human being."

If you are thinking of becoming a volunteer in Sampi must be aware that, broadly speaking, there are 2 types of valid reasons may be behind your desire for common action:
- Ideological, ethical, moral, or religious, you have to feel like your own problems and needs of others, want to do something to improve society, to change things, change the world.
- Personal reasons include the need to feel useful, to know and enjoy new experiences, I formed and developed as a person, and work with others.
Why do you want to volunteer?

Photos with friends