"I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me". Mt 25, 31-46
We are an Altruistic Organization with no profit in mind.
Who we are?

Our Mision
To offer a permanent home to our homeless brothers who have mental health problems an that are completely abandon.
Take in these people with love and offer them medical attention like, psychiatry, psychology, an infirmary, a nutritious diet, and an affective companionship to achieve the restoration of their health. To achieve that they can recuperate their dignity and values as human beings, like reintegration into society.
Our Vision
To achieve that the SAMPI FOUNDATION can be a replica model to contribute to the problems of our brothers who fall into a state of homelessness due to mental illnesses that day by day increase in our country and around the world.
Humanitarian vocation to serve the poorest, the sick, and the rejected we have a work philosophy based on action. We understand that solidarity should guide us from the feelings to the reason and from there to the action.
Respect for the life and dignity of the person, no matter his or her condition. To give yourself with generosity to what everyone has from the service of the rest braveness to work in the middle of a materialized culture and indifferent to our neighbor’s agony solidarity to see the most needed brother with the eyes of your heart, with fraternal love and empathy to his pain.