"I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me". Mt 25, 31-46
What we do?

The Homeless Mental Health Foundation (Sampi), we house people in extreme poverty with mental health problems whose total abandonment situation require attention to their medical, psychiatric, food, clothing and housing, to seek restoration of their dignity and worth.
Mental health is a complex phenomenon determined by multiple social, environmental, biological and psychological, and includes conditions such as depression, anxiety, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, and developmental disorders in childhood, some of the which have worsened in recent times.
On the streets of Monterrey in the first table there are dozens of homeless people, they can be seen by the bus station, Juarez Avenues, Columbus, Calzada Madero and some abandoned theaters, among other things. A homeless can stop living on the streets permanently. You only need to decide and he that has opportunities to improve their lives.
It is considered a Homeless with mental health problems to individuals who sleep on the streets, eating from garbage cans, wander aimlessly, dressed half-naked in rags, lack of personal cleanliness, smell bad, they go through the streets, usually have poor self-esteem and live in unsanitary conditions.
"Walk together" Program
Street work: We are approaching in a friendly manner to the indigent person, carrying with him a number of games that will prepare to attend our Youth Therapy.
Therapeutic Hostel: By entering is clean, fed and psychologically evaluated. That same day he receives a diagnosis of Psychiatry and start drug therapy.
Social Integration Process: Social Work research to locate the family, and it is located begin the relocation process. People who do not locate family remain in the shelter indefinitely.
Model Education: The educational model of individual and group psychotherapy, and psychoeducational courses for patients, does that reduce symptoms and the patient relapse.