"I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me". Mt 25, 31-46
How you can help?

The number persons in the state of homelessness is increasing constantly due to mental illnesses, these days more than 400 thousand people are addicted to drugs; 500 thousand have schizophrenia, one million epilepsy and 5 out of one thousand children suffer mental retardation according to the secretary of health, to form a program that demands a firm and permanent coordination in the whole country. You can be part of the foundation’s team and support our works; it is up to us to rescue the lives of many people. Open your heart and choose in which ways you want collaborate and participate so we can return to homes together.

Make a Donation
There are two ways to make your donation to the foundation, the first option is to go personally to your bank and deposit it at the drive through using the following account information:
Salud Mental para Indigentes, A.C.
Account Number: 0 1 7 9 2 1 5 9 0 5
Clabe: 0 1 2 5 8 0 0 0 1 7 9 2 1 5 9 0 5 1
The second option is to make your donation with your credit or debit card (visa, master card, American express, or discover card) direct on line and your contribution will be charge to your credit card. Have the trust and security that PayPal will protect you and will not store any data from your credit card.
Open your heart, HELP.
With your commitment to a contribution can be a great help.

We only work with PayPal, the safest way worldwide for online deposits.

Become a social collaborator
The social collaborator contributes with monetary or with food, join the group and choose the amount of the periodicity of your contributions.
WE APRICIATE YOUR GENORACITY Fill in the form that we have given you.

Volunteering is put some of your time and skills, helping those most in need.
The ongoing work of the volunteer is very important to carry out the projects of the foundation.